The hedge fund BlueMountain Capital came up with an effective silo-busting strategy. The fund analyzed different markets to see when major investors through their activities were creating distortions in market prices, then bet against them.
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Studying the silo effect as an anthropologist-cum-journalist may even offer some answers about how to deal with silos, not just for the bankers but for government bureaucrats, business leaders, politicians, philanthropists, academics and those in the media too. That, at least, is my hope.
Direct government-to-government engagement between the United States and China should also be involved. The existing framework for annual bilateral talks, the Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED), has the potential to become a key institutional setting to address the overlap between economic issues on the one hand and security and political issues on the other. But even at the S&ED, the silo effect exerts a powerful influence as the government ministries focused on economic topics tend to maintain separation from those tasked with working on security issues. 2ff7e9595c